Friday, August 10, 2012

How To Improve Hero Up: Announcement

Hey, people, I am introducing a new segment, (if that's what you want to call it. :P) to this blog. Called: How To Improve Hero Up (HTIHP). I will be posting on this every other day starting today. So stay tuned!

Platypwner, OUT!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Samurai Wolverine!!

So yesterday Samurai Wolverine was released on Hero Up!

I personally was very unexcited for him the day before he came out, just not my type of Hero I guess. And as I guessed he was not good. NOT GOOD AT ALL! In fact, terrible. To me at least. His combo, awful a total of 77 damage. His Hero Up, completely useless only 11 damage. His First power attack is bad, second gives a damage boost so not too bad, and third power attack, not bad a total of 52 damage if it hits all four times. If you are debating on getting him...DON'T! Save your gold for someone better, get Monkey King if you don't already have him. Just, don't waste your gold on him, he can't even double jump.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Welcome to The SuperHeroSquadOnline BLOG!

Hey people welcome to the Super Hero Squad Online Blog, this game can be found at I am an avid player and a marvel enthusiast. So I will be constantly playing and posting on this blog if I have the time. Check in with you guys later.